AML/CTF Consulting

If you need advice on compliance with AML /CFT laws or need to understand whether you provide designated services speak to our lawyers. We have extensive experience assisting reporting entities to comply with AML/CTF laws, rules and regulations. If you provide designated services, we can help you to create an AML/CTF Program ensuring it complies with AML/CTF laws and KYC obligations. Alternatively, we can conduct an independent audit of your current Program to assess your compliance with the AML/CTF Act.

We respond to evolving compliance requirements by regularly providing simple but effective compliance solutions to suit the designated services provided by our clients. We have regularly assisted with AUSTRAC investigations and enforcement action and prepared suspicious matter and threshold transaction reports. We regularly undertake annual risk assessments and facilitate AML/CTF courses and workshops.

Our expertise:

Undertaking AML/CTF risk assessments and independent reviews of your current AML/CTF Program, assessing present AML/CTF Program effectiveness and reporting on findings and making recommendations
Preparing an AML/CTF Program tailored to your business and advising on designated services, AML/CTF laws, rules and regulations
Drafting AML/CTF related policies, plans, procedures and codes of conduct
Dealing with AUSTRAC Investigations, enforcement action, compliance assessments or requests for information
Advising on KYC, verification of identity, PEPs, trade and financial sanctions, customer, third party and employee due diligence and enhanced due diligence
Preparing templates for and advising on suspicious matter and threshold transaction reports and International funds transfer instructions
Enrolment and registration with AUSTRAC and advice on annual AUSTRAC reporting requirements
Registering remittance services and digital currency exchange businesses with AUSTRAC
Providing AML/CTF Training Courses and workshops
Providing off the shelf agreements and policy templates for in-house counsel

Contact us today to find out more about the AML/CTF services we provide on 1800 965 990 or

business services

risk management
regulatory compliance
banking & finance
financial services
credit services
aml/ctf consulting
corporate governance
privacy & data protection
global secretariat services
For expert advice on the AML/CTF consulting services we provide call us and we will connect you with a team member who can help.