Privacy & Data Protection

Australian privacy laws affect almost every organisation in Australia with the European Union’s GDPR also having far reaching effect for Australian businesses that process personal data relating to individuals in the European Union. Australian organisations are at ongoing risk of cyber-attack and many businesses need assistance to put an effective data breach response plan in place. We advise on a full range of privacy laws and legislation, data protection, data management, cyber security and security breach notification laws. We are specialists in conducting security postures for both the public and private sectors and we can help you protect, detect and respond to security events by advising on privacy, data protection, cloud services, risk insurance and transfers of data outside of Australia. We also design and implement full suite privacy and data protection policies to ensure compliance with evolving privacy laws and cross-border transfers of data.

Our expertise:

Assessing present privacy and data security operating model effectiveness and reporting on findings and making recommendations
Conducting security postures, data protection audits and privacy impact assessments and reporting on findings and making recommendations
Designing and implementing privacy impact assessment frameworks and policies, protocols, principles and processes for the collection, use, storage and transfer of data
Drafting privacy collection statements, guides on privacy, data protection and cyber security
Advice on notifiable data breaches and maintaining privilege, privacy issues and guidance on APP rules including data collection, use, storage, transfer and loss
Preparing data security incident response plans
Facilitating privacy and cyber training and workshops
Dealing with regulators, investigations and breach reporting requirements
Advice on Privacy Act, GDPR, privacy consents, consumer data right regimes, credit reporting obligations and the credit reporting code of conduct
Guidance on Spam Act and the Do Not Call Register in relation to marketing, advertising and other third-party agreements
Providing off the shelf agreements and policy templates for in-house counsel

Contact us today to find out more about the privacy and data protection services we provide on 1800 965 990 or

business services

risk management
regulatory compliance
banking & finance
financial services
credit services
aml/ctf consulting
corporate governance
privacy & data protection
global secretariat services
For expert advice on the privacy and data protection services we provide call us and we will connect you with a team member who can help.